- The club encourages a family friendly informal learning environment.
- Hands on Bonsai workshops with guidance and advice from experienced members and guest teachers.
- The club produces a monthly newsletter from February to November with notices, news and articles on bonsai related topics. The newsletter is exchanged with other bonsai clubs.
- The club has also built up a comprehensive library over the years, and members take advantage of the opportunity to borrow these books and magazines.
- Bonsai supplies (pots, tools, wire etc.) are for sale at special club member prices.
- Excursions are held from time to time, including visits to Bonsai exhibitions demonstrations and events, and to Bonsai and general nurseries.
- We also arrange digs of plants with bonsai potential, from sites for which permission has been obtained.
You are very welcome to come along to any of our meetings, and have a look for yourself, before deciding to join the club.
Subscription Rates
Family $40.00 per annum
Single $30.00 per annum
Family membership covers children within a family, and applies to one address.
Half year subscriptions are available for people joining in August or later in a given club year.
The Annual General Meeting is held in February.
Subscriptions are due on the 1st of February each year.

Please download this form to apply for membership with our Club.