The main reasons for defoliation- Defoliation brings energy back into the trunk of the tree. Keep control of the tree structure.
Tree branch structure- new set of leaves. Maintain light into the tree. Each branch and the inner shoots need
light to be healthy.
Used to reduce foliage size. Partial defoliation useful when making more foliage pads. Total needed to clean the
tree up. Opens the branches up and helps with branch placement.
Defoliation helps remove bugs as well.
Suitable for broad leaf deciduous trees, can be used for non deciduous, not for conifers. The technique is
suitable for English Elm, Plums, Desert Ash. David has had good results with these species.
A totally defoliated Desert Ash can re-grow in 3 weeks. Choose the branches you want to grow and remove
unwanted ones, which are wasted energy. Remove the armpit growth. Cut off or rub off with fingers.
Only concentrate on growth on the desired branches. The new leader on his tree needs to get thicker yet. He
will cut back when desired thickness reached to grow a new top.
Wire cuts in quickly after 3 weeks. Lots of growth at present.
By continually defoliating, you can see the tree structure better. The tree needs to be healthy and strong to do
this. The amount of growth indicates health. DO NOT defoliate if the tree is not healthy. Wait until it is.
Need lots of fertilizer. Use liquid Seasol, Charlie Carp once per month.
Overfeed you get too much growth, too much leaf, and leaf may increase in size. Fertilize after giving water so
tree well saturated.
David talked about the Plum in the blue bucket. Lots of upword growth. Cut away up growth or wire down. Take
off if don’t need the branch. David picks out with fingers by sliding his hand along the branch to remove leaves.
Don’t do this with a Hawthorn or anything else with thorns. The leaves can be cut away. Be careful not to
damage the new buds. The tree should have leaf growth along the branch, not just on the ends. Cut between the
petiole and leaf. The petiole will dry and drop off.
Remove upward strong branches on a downward branch you want to keep. Rewire small branches in a downward
direction to create nicely shaped foliage pad. 20-30 branches can be wired into a single pad.
Plum, Ash and Elm trees work fast. Need to defoliate and wire regularly to control shape. Can defoliate 3-4
times per growing season.